Apr 05, 2024
Abstract:In laparoscopic robot-assisted minimally invasive surgery, the kinematic control of the robot is subject to the remote center of motion (RCM) constraint at the port of entry (e.g., trocar) into the patient's body. During surgery, after the instrument is inserted through the trocar, intrinsic physiological movements such as the patient's heartbeat, breathing process, and/or other purposeful body repositioning may deviate the position of the port of entry. This can cause a conflict between the registered RCM and the moved port of entry. To mitigate this conflict, we seek to utilize the interaction forces at the RCM. We develop a novel framework that integrates admittance control into a redundancy resolution method for the RCM kinematic constraint. Using the force/torque sensory feedback at the base of the instrument driving mechanism (IDM), the proposed framework estimates the forces at RCM, rejects forces applied on other locations along the instrument, and uses them in the admittance controller. In this paper, we report analysis from kinematic simulations to validate the proposed framework. In addition, a hardware platform has been completed, and future work is planned for experimental validation.
* 7 pages, 21st International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots (UR
2024), accepted